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Magnetic agitator in water in a glass container

One Magnetic Agitator:

Three wings

two arrows Bouncing downwards

Two motors

two arrows Bouncing downwards

Precise stirring technology for mixing delicate molecules up to hardly soluble substances - with high aseptic requirements

Powerful stirring of large quantities: For outstanding mixing results
The magnetic agitators from HANAG are suitable for a wide range of various applications. They are distinguished by a consistent high manufacturing quality and surface finish.

Each agitating task has its own requirements in the respective area of application. HANAG offers a wide range of agitators that differ in terms of volume, agitator drive and torque.

Choose from three different wing types according to your application. We would be delighted to assist you find the right model.

Wing types

Magnetic agitator HMR P


  • Sehr schonende Rührwirkung
  • Durchmischen delikater Moleküle, ohne sie dabei zu zerstören
  • Drehzahlbereich 50 - 150 U/min
  • Behältervolumen bis zu 1.000 Lite
Magnetic agitator HMR P


  • For very smooth mixing
  • Mixing of very delicate molecules without breaking them up in the process.
  • Speed range 50 - 150 rpm
  • Container volume up to 1,000 liters
Magnetic agitator HMR H


  • Schonende Rührwirkung
  • Geeignet für zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche
  • Einfache Mischfunktionen
  • Geringer Lufteinzug
  • Geringe Schaumbildung
  • Drehzahlbereich 50 - 450 U/min mit Stirnradgetriebemotor
  • Drehzahlbereich 50 - 420 U/min mit Schneckengetriebemotor
  • Behältervolumen bis zu 10.000 Liter
Magnetic agitator HMR H


  • For smooth mixing
  • Suitable for most applications
  • Easy mixing functions
  • Low air inlet
  • Low foam forming
  • Speed range 50 - 450 rpm with Spur gear motor
  • Speed range 50 - 420 rpm with Worm gear motor
  • Container volume up to 10,000 liters
Magnetic agitator HMR S


  • Starke Rührwirkung
  • Geeignet für zahlreiche Anwendungsbereiche
  • Mischen von schwerlöslichen Substanzen möglich
  • Mischen von großen Mengen an Feststoffen möglich
  • Drehzahlbereich 50 - 450 U/min mit Stirnradgetriebemotor
  • Drehzahlbereich 50 - 420 U/min mit Schneckengetriebemotor
  • Behältervolumen bis zu 10.000 Liter
Magnetic agitator HMR S


  • For strong mixing
  • Suitable for most applications
  • Mixing of hardly soluble substances possible
  • Mixing of large quantity of solids possible
  • Speed range 50 - 450 rpm with Spur gear motor
  • Speed range 50 - 420 rpm with Worm gear motor
  • Container volume up to 10,000 liters
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High precision ceramic bearing, guaranteed abrasion-free
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Excellent CIP/SIP results
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Specially developed levitation process
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Easy and safe to remove and install
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Optimal mixing and agitation results
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GMP compliant design

The clear, open concept of the HMR provides smooth surfaces for ideal flushing. The result: An optimal CIP/SIP capability.

CIP/SIP compliant design allows the use in sterile environment.A SiC bearing and high-quality stainless steel materials meet the highest demands regarding abrasion and GMP confirmity.

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High precision ceramic bearing, guaranteed abrasion-free
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Excellent CIP/SIP results
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Specially developed levitation process
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Easy and safe to remove and install
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Optimal mixing and agitation results
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GMP compliant design

The clear, open concept of the HMR provides smooth surfaces for ideal flushing. The result: An optimal CIP/SIP capability.

CIP/SIP compliant design allows the use in sterile environment. A SiC bearing and high-quality stainless steel materials meet the highest demands regarding abrasion and GMP conformity.

Motor Types

Spur gear motor

Standard motor
IP55 (or higher on request)

Spur gear motor

Worm gear motor

Alternative motor
IP55 (or higher on request)

Worm gear motor


Speed-Sensor mounted on the Welding flange
PNP-Sensor contactless

Spur gear motor

Standard motor
IP55 (or higher on request)

Spur gear motor

Worm gear motor

Alternative motor
IP55 (or higher on request)

Worm gear motor


Speed-Sensor mounted on the Welding flange
PNP-Sensor contactless


Operating Data
Design Pressure
-1 / 3 bar
Design Temperature
140 °C (Higher temperatures available upon request)
CIP/SIP Capability
Speed Range (Standard)
50-450 rpm (Alternative motor has different values)
Surfaces in Contact with Product
1.4435 (Alternatives available upon request)
Silicium Carbide
Sealing (Standard)
EPDM (FDA) (Alternatives available upon request)
< 3 % (1.4435)
Surfaces in Contact with Product (Standard)
Ra < 0.6 μm (Higher values upon request)
Agitator Head
Welding Sleeve (Standard)
grinded, Ra < 0.6 μm (Higher values on request)
Other technical specifications on request.